Wednesday, May 15, 2013

What Doesn't Kill Ya....

It’s a remarkable moment when we remember that Strength is our birthright.

And anything that is our birthright at some point becomes our responsibility.

The amazing thing about Strength is that it offers itself as most crucial in moments when we feel like we have none.  An emotional muscle that must be exercised in order to grow, we have no choice but to endure pain and struggle to build its commanding capacity. 

It feels important to note that the act of being strong does not replace the act of being vulnerable as one might be fooled into thinking.  The two actually coexist as life-long companions, and are always informing one another of their individual and collective power.  It’s by having an open heart that Strength and Vulnerability are able to make their most impressive headway.  As it takes strength to be vulnerable, and vulnerability to be strong, I can’t help but ponder which came first… in a chicken or the egg sorta way.

From Emma’s black book: The word vulnerability stems from the Latin "vulnerare" -> "to wound". The definition includes "capable of being wounded" and "open to attack or damage.”

Weakness is the inability to withstand attack and wounding.      

Just like we can’t quite understand Strength with out getting to know Vulnerability rather intimately, we also cannot truly know Strength with out becoming deeply connected with Fear.  You see, the two are intrinsically linked for survival’s sake, as Fear is Strength’s greatest motivational force.  To be strong is not the same as being fearless, because Strength is not concerned with Fear’s eradication.  Strength instead is more interested in becoming close with Fear, learning what makes it tick, where it comes from, and how long it’s been around. And when the source has been uprooted from the depths of the soul's unique history, Strength stares Fear directly in the eye, in a tough-love kinda way, and gracefully advise that it step the fuck down before its ass gets trampled on.  

In my personal investigation of Strength this week, I tuned in to one of its miraculous functions, based on the interconnectedness of our extraordinary beings.  I’m beginning to see that if our quest is one of balance, then our Strength can become all encompassing.  This week, my heart was weak in a way that felt beyond my control.  And so I had a choice. To become consumed by the weakness, or to build strength in areas within my command.  Remembering that along with a heart I also have a body, mind, and spirit - I doctored up my prescription. 

And so I went to the gym...a lot, I opened my home to guardian angels, wrote letters to God, hosted a Women's poetry evening, worked diligently on my art, and read books about things that matter. And like magic, my heart's strength is slowly but surely returning with more power then it had before it was broken.  And so I believe it to be true... in times of weakness, we're given a fresh opportunity to become strong in areas that we were previously sustaining in mediocrity.  Weakness is nothing more than an invitation for a Strong-All-Over-Makeover.    

Okay, now stop. Close your eyes, and take deep a breath.

This last little part is the most important, so please pay close attention.

Always, always remember that Strength lives in the heart.  Because of this, we must keep our hearts clean, warm and open – a spacious reservoir for Strength to rest and recover as it builds its power for when needed again.  And as Strength gets bigger every time it’s summoned, so must its home.  There is no better means to grow our hearts then to Love in the best ways we know how.   

(click to read the fine print)

Be good out there. Be Strong.

Stories of Strength. Bring'Em. 

1 comment:

kvb said...

sometimes i think you are my very own guardian angel <333