“Losing love is like a window in your
heart. Everybody sees you’re blown
apart. Everybody feels the wind blow.”
Good ol' Paul Simon, just nails it, eh?
Good ol' Paul Simon, just nails it, eh?
As I'm sure we all can attest, loss just might be the most difficult thing we
endure as a human species, and the root of many of our deepest fears.
And because of this, it ends up doing a tremendous deal for us.
Words from a wise comrade: "We practice in life so we are graceful through death."
--Ryan Patrick Laine.
I think it’s safe to say that we experience the transformational benefits of loss only when we truly surrender to it. Surrender to that gut-wrenching pain, to the uncontrollable tears in inconvenient situations, to the dull ache in the heart. Taking the time to hate every single second of it, but feeling it, really fucking feeling it like your future happiness depends on it. Because, well, it does.
This kind of surrender requires an immense amount
of courage.

When we act in the best ways we know how, we don’t
have to suffer from regret. When
we do everything we are able, we will heal back to wholeness and carry on with
dignity, compassion, and greater understanding. There's something to remembering the inevitability of all things eventually lost as the most valuable motivation to being our best selves to others. This is the greatest gift loss offers.
There is no better way to build strength and
resilience then to lose something or someone near and dear to the heart.
There is no better time to call upon faith, to
connect with spiritual truths then when our hearts are broken, seeking comfort
and meaning.
It’s through loss that we build our ability to
empathize with the pain of others, eventually gifting our experience of heartbreak
to the comfort and solidarity of another.
In times of loss, it is our great challenge to
choose healthy mechanisms for coping.
It is our great challenge to pour our energy into the things that make us
better and bring us joy.
It is our great challenge to remember that time is the
principal healer and if we allow our hearts to remain supple and open, then opportunity
for future triumph is guaranteed.
I warn against the fear of feelings.
I warn against building emotional walls.
I warn against building emotional walls.
I warn against mind/body/spirit numbing acts and
These forms of temporary relief will cause much
more damage in the long run.
When we allow ourselves to lose with presence and awareness,
we are allowing ourselves to win the happiness that is meant for us.
And so my advice goes as such:
Cry your fucking eyes out.
Cry your fucking eyes out.
Scream your ass off.
Break some shit.
Give yourself the freedom, the right, and the power
to feel the pain and overcome.
The floor’s all yours.
Bowing low to you. Always
Really beautiful stuff Halley. Thank you for this.
Really beautiful stuff Halley. Thank you for this.
I think one thing we can do to help cope with "loss" is to rename it. "Loss" has such a negative connotation, which stigmatizes it, making it a taboo. It excites blame assignment, which in the end does nothing but hinder the creative energy necessary for growth.
How about change? How about recalibration? How about spring cleaning? How about passing your soul through a situational sieve followed by the opportunity to organize it in a way to better cradle your heart of emotion?
Not loss.
Lots of love.
mmmm yes. i like this renaming. makes it all much more stomach-able. thanks cutiepies:) whomever you may be.
This is Emma... I need to change how my name shows up here...
"Everything that begins also ends. Make peace with that and all will be well."
Here's to heartache and pain, growth beyond measure and faith in the unknown. Here's to you and to me.
Bunches of love.
"When we have the courage to feel, we are gifted in return with the capacity to heal" You nailed it with that one for sure, Halley. As for Emma, I knew it was you all along. Excellent suggestion... Thank You Halley! :) :) :)
Losing someone SUCKS! I don't know whats worst, losing them or knowing that you're never going to experience the things that made you so blissful with THAT person ever again. Yeah Yeah yeah I know time heals all wounds but it doesn't feel that way now! Crazy to think that just yesterday this was the person I would marry, have kids with, and live such a beautiful life with. I guess it was all in my head blinded by Love. Was it me or was it them that truly fucked things up. I'll never truly know I guess?! The healing process is such a roller-coaster of emotions. Sometimes you smile because you think of their smile and then you realize that they are not with you anymore.The pain stems from thinking about the great things that made YOU so happy being with them. Its healthy to cry but this shyt hurts! How is it that the one I love can't see the genuine side of me but everyone else can?! FUCKING WIERD! Cant see that you would do anything to make them happy. Can't see that the only one I live for is them! Maybe thats where I went wrong is to put ALL of my energy into them! I don't know! Is it really over?! I asked an elderly lady one day how her and her husband of like 1000 years lasted so long! She told me they never fell out of love at the same time! HA! It might be some movie type of line to say but whatever it is, it gives me hope! Thanx for giving me the space to vent Halley! Weed and taco bell for me today please!
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