Thursday, May 2, 2013

Have you Trusted today?

In The Book of Qualities, J. Ruth Gendler identifies Trust as the daughter of Truth and the mother of Love. 

Let’s think about that for a minute.  Recalling a time when we’ve journey’d into love that was not linked to our Truth.  What did it feel like?  An addiction?  A wayward exploration of our darkness?  A story rooted in insecurity, suspicion, and disharmony?  Playing the victim, making deals with the devil that eventually becomes nothing short of fucking-crazy-making?  And in its way, an important and valuable journey – as the lessons are profound.  Yet it’s of my opinion that in order to grow higher, it’s a path that ought to be trod not much more than once.

Truth we know.  Truth is built into our souls, into our DNA, into the highest part of each of us.  Truth is something that we test, validate, and search for, but it’s finite in its manifestation, and speaks to each of us in a language completely unique and completely universal.  It speaks through our bodies, our guts, our hearts.   

Love (in each of its variations) is what we all in some way instinctively strive for – even if it shows up as active rejection.  Love gives us purpose, the ability to endure struggle and loss, a healthy push to step outside of ourselves and connect to something greater.  Love is how we are able to really see ourselves, grow our hearts, and raise vibrations to make the world better.  Love when connected to Truth is the strongest power of our human capacity.     

And then there’s Trust. Trust is the passageway.  When mapping out Trust to grow my connection to Truth and my ability to Love, I realized that to trust another, I must trust myself.  And to trust myself, I must trust in the greater good of humanity.  And to trust humanity’s goodness, I must be humanity’s goodness. And to be humanity’s goodness, I must trust the universal power (the mystery), and have unyielding faith in the grand-master-plan in which the details - the struggles that gift us growth - can feel nothing short of heart breaking.  I must trust enough to be patient for the moments when purpose is revealed and a glimpse into the Plan is possible. 

And so I ask, what does this Trust stuff look like?  How does it play out in the day-to-day? 

These are my ideas:
To trust is to speak honestly. Every. Single. Time. 
To trust is to choose kindness, to smile by default.
To trust is to listen, to be still, to be open.
To trust is to be awake, to be aware, to be present.
To trust is to be curious, to inquire, to seek.
To trust is to embrace change, to remain flexible, to go with the flow.
To trust is to understand your gifts and your limitations, and to get to know them both intimately. 
To trust is to try new things, to support challenge, to be okay with lookin’ like a fool. 
To trust is to actively forgive others, and especially yourself.
To trust is to live with out excuses.
To trust is to express gratitude. 
To trust is to breathe through the pain.    

What follows is J. Ruth Gendler’s personification of Trust:

Trust is the daughter of truth. She has an objective memory neither embellishing nor denying the past.  She is an ideal confidante, gracious, candid and discreet.  Trust talks to people who need to hear her.  She listens to those who need to be heard.  She sits quietly with those who are skeptical of words.  Her presence is subtle, simple, and undeniable.  Trust rarely buys round trip tickets because she is never sure of how long she will be gone and when she will return.  Trust is at home in the desert and in the city, with dolphins and tigers, with outlaws, lovers and saints.  When trust bought her house, she tore out all of the internal walls, strengthened the foundation and rebuilt the door.  Trust is not fragile, but she has no need to advertise her strength.   She has a gamblers respect for the interplay between luck and skill.  She is the mother of love. 

I invite you to share your interpretations/stories/ideas of Trust.  How does it work? What does it mean? How can we engage with it more deeply? 

And I THANK YOU for reading.         


Anonymous said...


Gabriel Rocheleau said...

Hey Halley,

Congrats for creating your blog :)

I enjoyed reading this article. I especially resonated with :

" To trust is to listen, to be still, to be open. To trust is to be awake, to be aware, to be present."

Are these from you?

Definitely some impressive and inspiring stuff!

Will be coming back again, look forward to reading more from you!


Anonymous said...

trust the truth through faith and love. thank you ever so deeply for your energy in this wonderful art form. please keep up the hard work! ps- your models are gorgeous! xoxox

kvb said...

Thank you for this post cherie, your timing could not be better.

"Trust" seems to be the word of the day lately in my life as I struggle with the adjustment of carrying the excess baggage that comes with chronic illness. For me, it is equal parts trust in myself as well as the Universe - and perhaps the most surprising discovery in the weeks following my diagnosis is just how little trust I have truly had in either.

Getting sick has rocked my world in a way that nothing else really can. Suddenly, and without warning, my entire perspective shifted and my eyes are wide open to the reality of my circumstances and how I really feel about them.

Being sick can really do a number on your sense of Trust. Because no matter how many times you say "everything happens for a reason," it's really hard to believe that when you're pulled over on the side of the road, alone, fighting like hell against the heart palpitations, sweating, nausea, muscle spasms, and the overall inability to function that comes with random and dangerously low blood sugar (something that I have only been able to compare to that feeling you get right before you black out after too many tequila shots, ugh)...

But "Trust" I must - because as scared as I am by this life-altering circumstance, I have experienced moments of Understanding, pockets of Meaning, flickers of Purpose. The shift in perspective is drastic and uncomfortable in its deviation from the person I'd molded myself into up to this point - but when I quiet my mind long enough, I snatch fragments of a voice that is completely foreign, and undeniably my own - a rawer, truer, deeper sense of self that even in its elusiveness feels more authentic than anything else I've known in the quarter century I've spent in this life.

And so, I will continue to Trust - in the Universe and its Plan, as well as this Voice at its ever-increasing volume.

jen said...

Beautiful halley, and kvb. thanks for sharing

Halley Miglietta said...

kvb. You're a righteously beautiful old soul. Thank you for blessing us with your experience of wisdom.