Reading quotes aloud from
a book of meditations to my friend Jack while building a bench together, this simple little one-liner gave us a big hearty dose.
“Knowing what is enough is
If we can say, “I have enough stuff” or “I am doing
enough” or “I have enough money”
or “I have enough love in my life,” we aren’t suffering from the shame of
inadequacy that a society built on superfluous abundance inflicts upon us.
We are outsmarting
them. We are bigger than their

Good question Jack.
What does it mean to quest
in the direction of our highest potential and still be content with what we
have… right now? To have big
dreams to reach toward while appreciating everything that we are and everything
that we have as enough, today.
In this moment, I am in pretty severe physical pain. And it's giving me clues.
My past few days have been spent enduring a gnarly ass migraine, which has made it pretty difficult to do much of anything. Thinking hurts, walking hurts, reading hurts, while sleeping is about the only thing that makes the pain go away... until I wake up. It feels like my to-do list is growing by the minute, while nothing is being checked off. And so today (and yesterday) my enough-capacity is really limited – actually, just writing this is enough.
My past few days have been spent enduring a gnarly ass migraine, which has made it pretty difficult to do much of anything. Thinking hurts, walking hurts, reading hurts, while sleeping is about the only thing that makes the pain go away... until I wake up. It feels like my to-do list is growing by the minute, while nothing is being checked off. And so today (and yesterday) my enough-capacity is really limited – actually, just writing this is enough.
Tomorrow (I pray) my
enough-capacity will increase, and the next day even more, and I can work
harder, longer, and manage more.
But I can’t help but wonder if I’m in this pickle today because I’ve
been defying me enough-capacity in days prior.
Of a culture that values doing over being, we’re all suffering from a mass-neurosis around obsessive
production. Even those of us working
“against the system,” the very system that keeps us down by over-working us, are
no better, as we sacrifice our health-states, love-states, and peace-states for
But what is happiness made up of really? What is fulfillment based
on truly? I can tell you one
thing, it’s not this migraine. And
if I slow down, and gift myself the act of creation because it makes my life
better rather than continue to be disempowered by the mind-set that I'm never doing enough, that the only way to make a mark on this place is to create as much as possible as quickly as possible,
then I won’t lose two days to severe pain and incapacitation.
Because the truth is, I
haven’t even been swimming yet this summer.
Respect your spirit.
Be enough.
(photos are limited due to the fact that my brain hurts).
Be enough.
(photos are limited due to the fact that my brain hurts).
Sweet cousin, I'm learning the hard way, that the only way to ever be enough is make sure you are caring for yourself enough. Self care = balance. Self care. It looks different for each of us but the result is the same. It's a balanced soul that can be mote than enough and know when enough is enough. Love you.
There is always enough. We are always enough.... right now. As for aspirations, I continue to return to the place of expectations.
"If you are not happy, your expectations are too high. When you are happy, raise your expectations."
Amazing article
Hmmm.. This resonates. I like the idea of an "enough-capacity" that changes from day to day. You can only do so much given finite time and energy. Neglecting yourself is a sure fire way to deplete that capacity.
Being true to yourself and your limits is where it's at. We respect the boundaries of our bodies by taking care of our skin, and protecting our feet with shoes. We need to do the same things with the rest of our parts- emotional, intellectual and intuitional. In the end, it's all the same body anyway!
I quoted you always, thanks, hope you are well.
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